Birthday, Easter and the Book.

This week we celebrated out youngest child's birthday. It is hard to figure out where the past 38 years have gone. It was wonderful to mind our youngest granddaughter,  Hannah, while her mum and dad took James to the doctors. I was able to ice the birthday cake and when Hannah saw it she wanted cake. I gave her a muffin and when she had finished, she went down for a nap.

Vicki loved her birthday cake and so did the children. It was lovely to have lunch with them.

We had a lovely lazy, quiet Easter. I spent time on Friday, enjoying the warm weather by sitting in the sun and reading. I do have assignments to do but they will still be there, later.  Sunday was a family lunch and Easter Egg Hunt. Little Miss Hannah has mastered the art of unwrapping an egg and then splitting it along the seam. Not bad for a 20 month old!  James unwrapped his and took a big bite of each end.

Well my book arrived back in my email folder, last night and it looks amazing! Jennie did a fantastic job with the index and making it look professional. I've spent part of today, trying to get a cover design done on Lulu but it is causing me grief. I'll as a friend for help and will have to ring the ISBN company about how I can up-load their barcode onto my book.

This is the 56 page manuscript. I've revised how it will be bound and this will reduce the price, considerably. I typed the ISBN number in this morning and it is done!   Butterflies are happening.

Bye for now,


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