
Showing posts from August, 2016

TROVE Tuesday, (My 350th blog post!)

                                                       Adelaide Ironside, Artist. Below is the obituary for Adelaide Ironside, an Australian artist. Paul's aunt spent years trying to prove that this Adelaide Ironside, belonged on her tree. Sadly I don't think she does but she was still an acclaimed artist of her time and well worth remembering.   The Kiama Independent, and Shoalhaven Advertiser, Thursday 8th August 1867, p3.   Bye Lilian

Family Friday, Post Script.

I have been spending time, 'playing' on TROVE and have uncovered bits and pieces about my twins, Catherine and Michael. I found an obituary for Thomas Joseph Gillett and in it,  it gives his siblings as well as his children. Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932) 15 August 1929, p 41.     Michael had  SEQUESTRATION ORDERS, issued against him, in 1895, for bankruptcy,  From what I have read, this was Discharged in July 1915.                     The things you find in TROVE.   Bye, Lilian.                          

Family Friday; Twins Catherine and Michael Abberton

                                     Catherine and Michael Abberton. As I wrote, last week, Thomas and Mary had 15 children and to do one a week would stretch this family into 2017! What I am going to do is each set of twins will be dome, together and the singles by themselves. Now for the start of this family! Catherine Mary Abberton. Born on 3 November 1855, died 1932,  I'm not sure if she or Michael was the elder twin. I don't have much on her except her marriage and family details. They are; Married, 1 May 1874, William Joseph Gillett, (b4 May 1851, d 14 February 1932).  They had a large family, with 13 children, no sets of twins. The Gillett children are; Thomas Joseph b 1875, d 1929, m 1900 Ida Mary Power.         ...

Trove Tuesday; Samuel Magill

Tamworth Daily Observer (NSW 1910 -1916), Saturday 20 May 1916, page 6. Samuel Magill, was Paul's great-grandfather and Alexander, (Andrew Alexander, k/a Sandy), was Paul's grandfather. The 'ballroom' would have been the shearing shed or barn, as the original homestead was tiny and the new one wasn't built. It is interesting as Alexander was a married man, with children. No mention of them in the article.

Family Friday, Thomas Abberton.

Family Friday;   Thomas ABBERTON Thomas was born c1830, in Ballinakill, Co Galway, Ireland, to Thomas Abberton and Bridget Halleran. I know that Thomas was sponsored by his brother Patrick, of Goulburn, NSW and that he arrived in February 1852*, with his sister Anne, on the Joseph Somes. It would appear that they had another brother, James and sister, Catherine. This pair arrived in 1854* on the Caroline. Thomas married Mary Torp(h)y in the St Peter and St Paulā€™s Roman Catholic Church, Goulburn, on 22 July 1854*. Mary had arrived, with her mother and siblings, in 1850* (As this was during the time of the Great Famine, in Ireland, 1845 -1852. It is probably safe to assume that that was the reason they left and came to New South Wales.) Thomas and Mary settled at Mummell, some 23km from Goulburn. They raised a large family of 15 children, including four sets of twins. Two children died young, an un-named female twin in 1859 and Julia May, in 1879 aged four years. Of ...

Trove Tuesday, Thomas Abberton

                                                     Thomas Abberton. I love searching Trove, as I always find new articles. This one is a different obituary, for my Great-Grandfather. I didn't know that he went to the Ovens goldfields, in Victoria! This is another place to search.  The Mr Tom Abberton (Sydney), is my Grandfather. Catholic Press (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1942), Saturday 11 January 1902, page 22 Thomas Abberton and is family are going to become my Family Friday, from 19th, I hope you will join me on my ancestral discoveries. Bye for now, Lilian. 


  FAMILY FRIDAY ON SATURDAY. As I have ā€˜finishedā€™ the Vaughan Family, I was at a loose end as to who to do next. This is a one off post and Iā€™ll get back to a family , next week. August Frederick Conrad JASPER. August is the second husband of Isabella Vaughan and my great-grandfather.   I have gaps , in Augustā€™s life and I would love to fill them in. It was a fluke that I found his birth. Early one morning I was playing with FamilySearch . I entered his name, clicked search and closed my eyes. There was only one result and it was him. August Jasper (it takes too long to do his full name), was born in Heidenoldenorf,   Germany on 3 rd December 1846*, to Toens Simon Herm. Christoph JASPER and Wilhelmine Friederike Caroline KESSEMEIER. I have found other children and will do more research on the whole family. I donā€™t know how he grew-up or why he came to Australia. He arrrived in South Australia on the   Dilbhur on 29/3/1876. Listed a...

Family Friday, postponed until Saturday!

Due to life happening, in a big way, the past few days, (Wednesday and Thursday), I have shifted Family Friday to Saturday. Bye, Lilian.


Thomas Abberton Searching on   last Friday, I found a census record for my Grandfather. From other records, that I have I know that he and his wife, Louisa had their first child in 1891, so that is the two males. The two females has me puzzled until I re-read a letter form Louisa to the Education Department, saying that she had her ill mother living with them, two females. Bye for now, Lilian.   "Australia, New South Wales, Census, 1891," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 23 November 2015), Thomas Abberton, 1891; citing Camden, New South Wales, Australia, Household ID 79, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney; FHL microfilm 942,035.

TROVE Tuesday, Census taking

As tonight is census night, I'd thought I would have a browse through Trove and see what I could find. This one is from 1947, calling for census collectors. Scone Advocate (NSW  1887 - 1954), Tuesday 1 April 1947, page 4

Family History Month

August is National Family History Month and I've had a busy time, this week.  Tuesday was The Bankstown Family History Group's meeting and Allan Murrin , was a presenter. He did a hands-on workshop on Family Search. Thursday saw me in at the Society Of Australian of Australian Genealogists, attending a talk on Understanding Sources by Danielle Lautrec. Today it was the turn of the Royal Australian Historical Society, with their Bankstown Seminar. Three excellent speakers on three interesting topics. Carol Liston, spoke on Land titles records and showed us many different ways to find exactly where our ancestors lived. Katherine Reynolds was next and she spoke on Keeping track of your history research, so that you know exactly where that information came from. Lastly was Christine Yeats and she spoke on Furnishing your ancestors house. Ways we can find out what they might have had in their homes. Fascinating. It was also great to see members of the Bankstow...

Family Friday, That's a wrap!

                                                  Wrapping Up My Vaughans. Last week was the end of my Family Fridays' about my Vaughan family. I still have questions  that need answers, people to find and facts to check but I think I've done all I can, at the moment, on the family. Henry Vaughan Snr, is still my focus and between Gail Sutton and I we have spent hours narrowing down his arrival. We think, (more checking needed), that we have him, as a convict and that he was married in England. We have evidence that he was in contact, with his family, in England, so it would be logical to conclude that he waited until he had word that his wife died, before marrying Charlotte. Something that we are both continuing to research. Watch this ...

TROVE Tuesday. Bigamy and Arson!

                                    Bigamy and Arson. Elizabeth Purves isnā€™t a direct relation of mine, a great-aunt, by virtue of marriage. You would have read of her marriage to Frederick Vaughan, in last weeks Family Friday. But this was too interesting story to ignore. It appears that Elizabeth was ā€˜marriedā€™ to one Charles Augustus Wilkins.   He had come from New Zealand, leaving behind a wife. Then it appears that Elizabethā€™s parents shop is burnt down, by Wilkins! Not a good way to impress the in-laws. This article is   just one of 35, that I found, each one with a different view. There is even one, that is coming soon, headed ā€œFather Against Lover.ā€ , in the Australian Star. Mr and Mrs Purves were ordered to stand trial on 7 th April 1890. The trial was over by the 9 th or 10 th...