
Showing posts from 2025

Women's Family History Month, Bridget Goode

  Who is Bridget GOODE???? Well Bridget is anyone famous or infamous, she is a leaf on my tree that I hadn't paid that much attention to, but without her I wouldn't be here! Bridget was born to Peter GOODE and his wife Mary, in Co. Galway, in either 1808 or 1816. I tend to lean towards 1808, just by using her age, at her death, her age at her marriage and the number of years in the Colony of New South Wales, stated on her death certificate. (I know they can be wrong.) Now Bridget married Matthew TORPY, in about 1829 in Co. Galway and they went on to have seven children, Patrick, Mary Ann, Michael, Bridget, Honorah (Hannah), Catherine, and Ann. These aren't in order, I don't think. In 1850, Bridget, with Peter,(Patrick), Mary Ann, Michael and Ann boarded the ship "Lloyds" arriving in Sydney on 29 June 1850. The remaining children arrived three years later. Sometime before Bridget's departure her husband and parents die, as she states that her parents and hu...

A -Z Blogging Challenge Theme Reveal

  This year my theme for the A-Z Blogging Challenge   is Towns Iā€™ve Visited on My Road Trips.  Iā€™ve stuck with just   New South Wales  and hope to showcase my wonderful home state. Enjoy your armchair travel around the state. Searching for places to match the letters is fun and the fact that I have that Iā€™ve been to all of them, is wonderful.  The letters O, V and Z are suburbs of Sydney, due to the fact that I havenā€™t been to any towns starting with those letters. Z only has the suburb. X, well X doesnā€™t have anything, so I did a bit of fun, you will have to wait until the 28 April to see what it is.   I have used this book,  Historical Guide to New South Wales,   by Phillip Simpson, published by Australian Scholarly Publishing in 2020. Additional information and some links are from Wikipedia, other from the tourist information pages about that place. Some will have more photos than text because, 'A picture is worth 1,000 words.' Any er...

February Reading

 My February reading has been constant, with 10 books, so far. I've been turning the computer off around 5.00pm most nights and then sitting and reading before I start dinner. Reading in bed also happens. My author for February is Katie Fford. I read two of hers, Island in the Sun. Set in the Caribbean, on Dominica, Cass is asked by her father to undertake a photography project. Things happen, which make it an interesting read. I gave it five stars.  One Enchanted Evening,   was the second one of hers I read. This one is set in 1964, in a small hotel in Dorset. A fun read, also five stars. Thomas McaEntee's   new book, The Big Book of Genealogy Lists,   is just that. Full of useful lists, covering everything from Common Abbreviations & Acronyms to A Research Checklist, and everything in between. A really useful book, that I found interesting to read through and I know I will be using it with my research.  Do you know what a Necessary Woma...

January Reading

 For my Goodreads, Challenge this year, I've set a target of 100 books, but have added a twist. Each month I will read a book, where either the Title or Author's Surname start with the same letter as the month. This month I've been away and it was relaxing to sit on the deck and read that I've already read 11 books! My pick for January was Clouds on the Horizon by Penelope Janu.   Set in a fictitious town near Dubbo, New South Wales it is the first of three books featuring the Cartwright sisters, Phoebe, Patience and Primrose. Phoebe finds a chap, Sinn Torrissen, injured on a country road and looks after him. This starts a chain of events that uncover secrets in the town. (Not giving to much away, you have to read it.) I found it an easy read but there are a couple of things that a proof reader should have picked up on but they don't detract from the story and someone else might not notice them. I gave it five stars. I then read the third book in the series, Sunshin...

What will 2025 Bring?

 Day 5 of 2025 and I'm looking forward to what they year will bring.  The list, so far; A BIG birthday for me. Hubby will have been retired 10 years in May. He has a semi-big birthday. We celebrate 50 years of marriage. Murray River Cruise. Outback Safari. Trip to Melbourne and Canberra. Trip to Canberra, with Miss 9. Girls time away! Several speaking engagements booked in. Hosting the Writing Group for the Society of Australian Genealogists, several times. Thinking about a road-trip. Doing the A -Z Blogging Challenge in April. Working on my One-Place Study. Nearly finished the main data-base and will do potted bios of most of the people buried there. I've started the Goodreads challenge for 2025, with my total set at 100 books for the year. This year I'm going to try and read a book, each month that either starts with the letter of the month or the author's surname starts with that letter. Just a bit of a challenge, with in a challenge.