
Showing posts from December, 2023

Accentuate the Positive, 2023.

 Jill Ball invites us to do this every year and it is a great way to reflect on what you have done. Remember to  Accentuate the Positive   1. On revisiting some old research I found ...That I had mixed birth and death dates up, so I fixed that.   2. In 2023 I hooked up with a new (to me) living cousin ... Several DNA cousins but we havenā€™t actually meet, yet.   3. I'm pleased I replaced a tool I had been using withā€¦ replaced and upgraded my laptop. The old one was out of date. The iPad will be next in January, for my birthday.   4. My sledge hammer did great work on this brick wall ... nope, it didnā€™t work, might need a jack-hammer!   5. I was pleased that I finally read ... Elizabeth MacArthur's  Letters, edited by Kate Grenville. It was an interesting glimpse into Sydney from 1789 to 1849.   6. I enjoyed my geneajourney to ...nothing this year, next year during our road trip there will b...