Looking Back on 2022

Back in January I wrote about what I was 'planning' for this year. You can read it here, What will it bring, As a year 2022 was better in some ways, as were weren't locked-down and were able to travel but in other ways, it was difficult. Rain, rain and more rain, with some towns, even now still under flood warnings, seems to have been a main topic of conversation. The brutal invasion of Ukraine, still has the world holding its collective breath. Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth 11, platinum jubilee, was a piece of history that probably won't be seen again, followed by her passing in September and the accession of Prince Charles to King. Closer to home, I did do what I said I would. No A-Z Blogging Challenge and my total of blogs reached 31, for the year. I did do blogs for both Women's History Month and National History Month. No Goodreads Challenge, but I read and wasn't worried about meeting a target. Some weeks I hardly read, while others I read several books...