National Family History Month, My Ancestors' Occupations

 August is National Family History Month and this year I thought that I'd have a look at my ancestors occupations. I've gone back to my 2x Great Grandparents. While I have gaps, (and so far I've been unable to find the occupations), it is interesting that it's not until my grandparents that I have the occupation of the women listed.  Some like Ann Cameron, my 2x great grandmother is listed as an old age pensioner, on her death certificate. Likewise Isabella Vaughan, my great grandmother is given as living privately, when she re-married.

What did your ancestors do?


2xGreat Grandparents


Thomas Abberton 1790-1829


Bridget Halleran 1800

Matthew Torpy 1799-1833


Bridget Good 1816

George Nicolls


Elizabeth Drew


Michael Enright


Rosanna Henry


Samuel Galbraith 1815 -1877

Grocer/ Spirit Merchant

Margaret Nicol d 1893


Simon Grant 1829-1850

 Miner/ Gold Miner

Ann Cameron 1827 -1913

 Listed on Death Certificate as Old Age Pensioner

Toens Jasper


W Kessemeier


Henry Vaughan 1810- 1871

 Convict, Gentleman, Hatter, Estate/Commission Agent, Auctioneer

Charlotte Chasmar 1821-1893

 Servant, Farm Servant

1xGreat grandparents


Thomas Abberton1830-1901 (November)


Mary Torpy 1834-1914


Henry Nicolls


Ann Enright


Arthur Galbraith 1852-1894

 Grocer, Storeman

Mary Ann Grant 1859-1912


August Jasper 1846-1922


Isabella Vaughan 1847-1915

 On her Marriage Certificate she is stated to be Living Privately



Thomas Abberton 1865-1914

 Miner, Publican, Waggon Driver, Carter for Wine & Spirit Merchant

Louisa Nicolls 1860-1903


Arthur Galbraith 1885-1965

 Labourer (Tramway), Driver, Plate Layer

Eveline Jasper 1885-1932




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