National Family History Month Challenge. Week 3



My main tip for breaking down brick walls is perseverance! It took me thirty years to break mine. Go back over old records or data sets to see if anything new has been added, that might help in breaking down the wall.

This leads to my next tip;

Date your work. I do this so I know the last time I worked on it, downloaded a document, or added to my tree. You know instantly if it is old work or new.

Write down where you found a document etc. or where you have searched.

Reply to emails or website messages.

File it straight away, be it paper files or computer files. You will then be able to find it again.

But my best tip is ENJOY yourself on this genealogical journey. It can be fun, frustrating and enriching.


  1. Ah Lilian - such excellent advice. Yes dating research is an excellent thing to do. Filing is my bete noir and my undoing I suspect. I really must get on top of it.


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