What an Interesting Time We Are Living Through.

Random thoughts.

When I was heading to Utah for RootsTech, Covid-19 was a flu bug in China, now it is a world-wide pandemic that has us in lock down. So how is it effecting us.  Can't visit the grandchildren is our main one, both the Sydney based family and our Victorian based family. Walking down the street for coffee or going out for as meal, whilst not something we did every day are curtailed but that is all.

We are walking, most days. I'm cooking and enjoying it. Have home schooled Master Six, via Zoom. Skyped Miss 19 and Miss 16.

We have time to sit and relax, time to chat on the phone to friends and family, time to read, sew, knit and do research.

So yes, there are things we can't do but I don't mind the lock down because life is taking a slower pace, something I hope continues, once the world settles into a new normal.

Take care,


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