Interesting Times

It has been nearly two months since I commented on what is going on.

Stage 3 lock-down/self-isolation is still in place.

We are walking, reading, I've finished two university subjects, one more to go and I'll have a Diploma of Family History. Nearly finished a pink cardigan for Miss 4 and am progressing well with a jumper for Master 6. I've also recorded books and uploaded them to my YouTube channel, just for the grandchildren.

I've started to do my grocery shopping online, again, even purchased a new electric blanket, online. I don't miss going and doing the shopping.  Enjoying baking again.

Thankful for Facetime, Skye and Zoom as ways of keeping in touch with family and friends. Enjoying webinars organised by the Society of Australian Genealogists. I'm going to enjoy bringing this blog up to date before my last subject starts on 11 May.

Stay safe


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