My Journey to Birminghan, 0 Days! Tomorrow I Fly!

Well my countdown is over, as tomorrow I board a Qantas A380, for the loooooooong journey to Birmingham.  The past 10 days have flown by and I've been able to do all that I've needed to do, before I go.

Paul saw the Professor, last Thursday and was told that he needn't come back, which was such a relief. Everything is good. He also had a follow-up visit, for his continuous  glucose monitor, which is really good. I love the freedom it gives us both and I can still check-up on him, in England.

I've had a pedicure and a hair cut, so will be looking good! (How I will look after such a long flight will be debatable!)

The last of my travel documents arrived.

The best bit was the visit of our Victorian family and the Sydney family arriving too. We hadn't had them all together since Christmas 2017! It was wonderful to see them all together and the little ones were so happy to see their big cousins. Very blessed.

I packed, early and have only to add two chargers to my hand luggage and that is it.All the presents are wrapped and packed.

Today I had coffee, with the Monday Girls and as two of us are off overseas, it was great to catch-up and see how everyone has been going.

I have also managed to hear, all but one of the Society of Australian Genealogists', "Lost in DNA Weekend." Really great and I think that I'm finally getting the hand of how it all fits together.  There is only one small problem, I want to get stuck into 'playing' with several of the things mentioned and haven't go the time to do so. I'll do it once I'm back.

I've also organised my filing cabinet drawers. One has all the family tree research, now in alphabetical order and the second one has subject notes, again in albhabetical order. So much easier and they all have labels!

So this is it, the rest of the day is going to be spent, reading, knitting and see a friend. Lookout for blogs, from my travels.

Next stop, Birmingham!


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