My Journey to Birminghan; 20 Days and Counting

Breathe, breathe, 20 days!!!!!  Where has the past six months gone?

It has been a busy 10 days, with lunches, coffee mornings, dinner with friends, SAG Writing Discussion Group, I chair that, the Botany Bay Family Heritage Fair, Mother's Day and organising the last of my transport!

Actually I'm more organised than I thought, with just clothes and research to organise.

SAG Writing Discussion Group was great as I had set a task of using only 250 words and including the five senses, write a family history piece. The pieces were wonerful and one even reduced the group to tears. We all agreed that it was a good excercise.

The Botany Bay Family Heritage Fair is an annual event and was fun. I was on the Getting Started table, helping newbies with their research. Several have promised to keep in informed, as to how they are going.

Mother's Day was relaxing, with both breakfast and dinner out and several hours spent sitting in the sun, knitting or reading. My my daughters rang and we had lovely long chats.

Lunch, coffee and dinner with different groups of friends were great as it is always good to catchup with them and share our news.

I have filled the veggie patch with fresh soil, actually my darling hubby did the filling, I just planted peas, spinich and cauliflower plants. The empty spots actually have the bulbs, planted there, so I've mixed vegetables and flowers, this year.

I have started packing, with a lightweight coat, gloves, beanie and scarf being tossed into the case. I've also packed my Vegemite.

My train journeys have been booked and transport organised to get me to airports, as well. I now have a very good friend, travelling on the same flight and we are sharing the car, to Birmingham. It will be good, to relax, after the flight.

Still a busy few days, with doctor's visits, library day and seeing family but I'm just going to coast along and try not to stress.


  1. I take a plastic travel tube of Vegemite .... and hardly ever use it.... but it's nice to have it on hand ....just in case.

    1. I didn't see the tube or I might have got that.


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