Books I Use; May 2019

Wow, what a great little book! Written by Ian G MacDonald and published by The History Press, United Kingdom, it is a wealth of information on how and why we should site our sources.

It came into being because of the University of Strathclyde, Scotland, posgraduate-level genealogical studies courses.

Containing 18 short, sharp chapters, it gives clear and concise guides for referencing our sources. Everything from documents to DNA.

In the forward Ian writes, 'Genealogy is littel more than anecdote when the sources for facts are not cited and where clear reference to sources are not given.'   How often have you come across a piece of information and have no idea how that person found it?

It is written in 'non-technical' language and you don't have to read it from cover to cover, ot use it. I do recommend reading the whole book, especially Chapters 1-3, as they give a good understanding of the 'whys' of referencing.

Chapter 18 is also worth a read; especially the comments about good references. No, read it yourself, to see what I mean.

I go my copy from Book Depository.  You can also get it as an ebook.


  1. I am always looking for referencing ideas. I will have a look at this book, thanks for the tip.

  2. Thanks Lillian! Also available on Kindle. I downloaded a sample, this may be my first purchase on my Amazon gift card that I received as a retirement gift. Moving to 338 square feet senior housing has mandated all new books be from the library or digital


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