Road Trip, Day 5.

Cool and wet greeted us when we woke, this morning, so I spent some time writing emails and researching before we ventured out.

 First stop was the Orchard Cafe at Lucas for morning tea.Paul indulged with a mixed berry and ricotta cake and I had a bacon and cheese muffin.Yum!  There was method in my doing this first, I was taking Paul to search for ancestral homes and it was wet.

I'm getting to know my way around Ballarat, not getting lost once today!

First stop was Chisholm Street, the place Google Maps says is in the middle of the intersection. The four houses didn't look that old, so that wasn't what I wanted.

Driving down the street I spotted number 12. That rings a very large bell!  An Alexander Grant had lived in  number 12, with his butcher shop. Yes there was a shop attached to the house. I took a photo and drove off and then went YES!, that shop was very important. Back we went and I knocked on the door, nothing ventured, nothing gained. A women answered and I explained my connection to the house and was invited in. Could I take photos?  Yes. 

While it is now a family room, it still has the original hooks on the ceiling for hanging the carcass, wonderful.

I then explained that my 2x great grandmother, Ann Grant,  had died in the house. Alexander Grant being her grandson. The lady wasn't worried as she said that the twins, often smile at someone near the ceiling and it must be her. Goose Bumps.

Next stop was Sweeney Street and the house Ann Grant owned. This didn't work out. While the numbers still exist, the houses are to modern to have been built in the late 1890's early 1900's. Disappointing but at least I know that I've looked.

We went back to the library and I asked Simon, if there might be photos of houses of the time I wanted and was given 10 photo albums to search through. Wonderful. While there were some of that time, none were mine but It was very interesting to see photos of how Ballarat was. I also found a document on the first 100 years of Ballarat, listing everything that happened, notes were made.

As it was now really raining, we headed back to the caravan park, first getting petrol and then something for dinner.  As I write the sun is trying to shine and there is a bit of blue sky, might go for a walk.

Photos coming.

Bye for now,


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