Two New Australian Authors.

 Over the past few months I have been introduced to two new Australian authors. Louise Allan and Michelle. These ladies have both released their first novels this year and they are on the top of my MUST READ pile.

Louise, lives in Western Australia, with her husband and four children and in her acknowledgements she says that the story has taken six years to write.

Set in Tasmania, with a time span og seventy years, it is a
story of two sisters, their relationship and music.

Louise has a website, a wonderful blog and is on Facebook.   
                                          The blurb for The Sisters' Song.

Michelle, also lives in Wertern Australia and is a consultant  Emergency Physician.

Dustfall is set in Wittenoom, the town that was built on asbetos mining and where so many people contracted cancer.
Set over a period of about thirty years, it is about two doctors and their connection to this place.

Michelle gives two website address, so you can read about this time but Google Wittenoom and you will also find the information.

The blurb for Dustfall.

I spending some time, relaxing next week and these two books are going to be my relaxation.

So if you are looking for something new, try these two ladies' books and enjoy.

Bye for now,


  1. Thank you so much for helping to spread the word about The Sisters' Song, Lilian!


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