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As most of you will know I have had my husband seriously ill. He was in hospital 10 days, on IV antibiotics and them home on the same for 16 days. Two weeks ago we saw the professor and he changed the antibiotics to oral ones for a month. We now are starting to feel like we have our lives back. Paul is about 95% of his pre-illness self and this is improving. He was one very sick man.

This threw everything else out the window BUT that is changing, too.

This week was a busy one for me. I finally made the meeting of the Bankstown Family History Group,  on Tuesday, having missed the last two.  We had Peter Plowman talk about emigration to Australia, in the post WW11 years. As the president I really should be there but sometimes life happens.

Wednesday saw me a guest speaker at the Botany Bay Family History Society meeting. As I know a large number of the members it was lovely to catch-up. Paul came with me and we had dinner with friends, before hand.  I spoke on Copyright, Ethics and Citing Your Sources. Three things that I am becoming passionate about.

Copyright because there is a growing trend to 'borrow' others work and not give credit to the author.

Ethics because something's are best left in the closet and not shared with everyone.

Citing Your Sources because it gives your work a professional look. This is similar to copyright but your are acknowledging where you found the information and others can follow the trail and find it too.

                                         Myself and Suzie Bear, before I started my talk.

We have decided to have a break and re-charge our batteries and Paul said to me that, ' You can start work on your second book, while we are away.'  This was a good idea, as were we are going, we can relax and do nothing, (he is planning on reading) but it has thrown me in to a muddle. I have the basic outline, know where I want to take the book, have obtained permission to use  various documents,  made rough notes and there I've stopped.

Tonight I've made the decision that as I'm not going to publish until 2018, I don't have to have everything ready to take away. I can make sure that I have scanned copies of any documents I will need, bookmark sites I will use and have a list of things that I need to check or find and that will keep me busy enough.  So I'm going to relax, sit by the beach, research, read, take heaps of photos and sleep in.

Bye for now,

P.S. My first book has had a reprint of 20 copies, now down to 18.


  1. Glad to hear that your life is getting back to normal after a chaotic time. And I hope you both enjoy your break and take some much needed R&R time.


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