Are You Going to Congress 2018?????

What is Congress 2018,I hear you say?

To give it it's full title, 15th Australasian Congress on Genealogy and Heraldry. Hosted by the Society of Australian Genealogists, in 2018, it comes under the broad banner of the Australian Federation of Family History Organisations. Held every three years it is the biggest Australian Genealogy event.

When is Congress 2018?

It will be held from Friday 9 March to Monday 12 March at the International Convention Centre, Darling Harbour.

What is the theme?

Bridging the Past & Future.

With our iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge, how could we not have it in the theme.
It is important that we do bridge the past and the future, we have to encourage the younger generations to get involved with genealogy. It is their past too.

What will be happening?

I'm not going to give to much away but will give a link to the website, at the end.

There will be Keynote speakers, with a wide range of topics.
A Welcome Function, Congress Dinner, for the social side of things.
Nearly 60 different sessions, again covering a range of topics.
Venders Hall, with displays from various groups, like The Guild of One-Name Studies, Unlock the Past.

What's in it for ME?

EVERYTHING!  If you are new to the wonderful world of genealogy, you will find something to help you. An old hand at genealogy, you can ALWAYS learn something new.

The social side of a congress is wonderful. I went to my first congress in 2015, in Canberra. I couldn't attend all four days but I still covered so much. You meet people, you are friends with on Facebook, for the first time. Catch-up with old friends. Plenty of hugs, laughter and sharing.

If you are a blogger, you might be blessed with blogger beads. A sign for all fellow bloggers that you are one of us. A talking point for others as they ask you about your beads, hence making new friends. (I carry business cards, for just this purpose. When someone asks about the beads, I explain to them what they are about and give them my card, with my blog address on it.)

My 2015 lanyard and my first ever Blogger beads.

 Website Address;

I hope to see you there.
Bye for now,


  1. I look forward to catching up with you again Lilian. See you there.


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