Accentuate the Positive

This came from Jill Ball.  The answers are mine.

Remember to Accentuate the Positive 

1.  An elusive ancestor I found was;  none this year but added details to most branches and enjoyed finding out the information.

2.  A precious family photo I found was; none but I did scan several, late last year, 2015, at a family get together and talked to the Aunts about them.

3.  An ancestor's grave I found was; Henry and Charlotte Vaughan's, at Camperdown Cemetery. The stone is no longer standing but I found them!

4.  An important vital record I found was; probate for my husband's maternal Grandmother. Made very interesting reading.

5.  A newly found family member shared; a draft of their family history. Looks good but no sources cited. :(

6.  A geneasurprise I received was; winning a 2017 pass to RootsTech!

7.   My 2016 blog post that I was particularly proud of was; can I say all? I enjoyed sharing two branches of the family on Family Fridays. The A-Z challenge in April was fun.  Sharing what I was reading or interesting websites and other bits 'n' pieces. I loved my fun post on 6 October 2016, Post about Pigs.

8.   I made a new genimate who; is sharing her journey about building her new home,

Pat Richley-Erickson, is another new geminate and fellow quilter. Looking for to giving her a hug, in February, (most likely more than one)

9.  A new piece of software I mastered was;  does learning how to get the laptop and the printer, to 'talk' to each other count?

10. A social media tool I enjoyed using for genealogy was; Facebook, it has kept me in touch with so many genie friends. I also started a Magill family page.

11. A genealogy conference/seminar/webinar from which I learnt something new was; Just ONE! I found that I have learnt, re-discovered or looked at in a new way, something at every conference etc. that I have been to, this year.

12. I am proud of the presentation I gave at/to; The Bankstown Historical Society on how to get started.

13. A journal/magazine article I had published was; I didn't, opps.  I did have a comment published in the English Family Tree magazine.

14. I taught a friend how to; set up a blog.

15. A genealogy book that taught me something new was;  Treasures in Australian Government Gazettes by Rosemary Kopittke. Explained what was available and what you might find. Found some family in the Police Gazettes.

16. A great repository/archive/library I visited was; Family History Library in Salt Lake City. You should try to visit, at least once. Loved it.

17. A new genealogy/history book I enjoyed was; published in 2015, Carol Baxter's Help! Why can't I find my ancestor's surname? Wish this had been around 30+ years ago, it would have saved both time and money.

18. It was exciting to finally meet; Thomas MacEntee and Judy G Russell at RootsTech, to name just two.

19. A geneadventure I enjoyed was; RootsTech 2016. Amazing and an adventure that I was thrilled to do. So many wonderful people, informative talks and vendors, bliss!

20. Another positive I would like to share is ... This 'family' of genealogists, I'm part of is very supportive, friendly, fun and they share their knowledge and expertise. I'm blessed to belong.


  1. A fab year Lilian. Can't wsit to shafe the Rootstech experience with you again.

  2. Oops I missed putting your post in this week's Geniaus' Gems - now rectified.

  3. I was interested to see that you mentioned probate records and Police Gazettes - two of my favourite sources. And yes - getting the printer and the laptop to talk to each other definitely counts as a success!


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