A catch-up.

It has been awhile since I last blogged and I'll bring you up to date, with what has gone one.

13th December saw Paul and I head south, to Victoria to spend Christmas with our Victorian family. Something we love doing! We stopped at Euroa, overnight and arrived at our daughter's at 8.00am. A quick change, into warmer clothes and a cuppa were in order. For morning tea we headed to the Flying Tart at Kinglake West. This bakery/café was one of the few places to survive the Black Saturday bushfires. Their bread, pies and tarts are delicious. Always good to support a local small business.

The next morning we headed to the Yarra Valley Chocolaterie & ice creamery, for breakfast. Something of a bit of a tradition, when we are there. I did my Christmas chocolate shopping, after a delicious breakfast.

On the Friday, my granddaughters and I headed into Melbourne for some shopping and a stop at Max Bremer's, yum. I love going shopping with them as we all love haunting bookshops and there were interesting discussions on the merits of various books and purchases made.

I did blog about our Saturday trip to Milawa.

The week leading up to Christmas was filled with fun and laughter, long walks, good food and wine and some last minute Christmas Shopping and a trip to Bunnings! Granddad was helping with a project and sandpaper was needed. Yes, we had a sausage sandwich!

The 23rd we walked the neighbourhood looking at the wonderful Christmas light displays. Some of the houses were amazing. One even has a snow machine.

Christmas Eve woke us with a thunderstorm, very loud and there were some brilliant flashes of lightening but very little rain. This is just the type of storm you DON'T want as the lightening can cause fires to start.

Morning storm clouds.

The day turned out to be very warm and sunny and we prepared for our night at the carols. These were the big ones that channel 9 show, every year. We arrived at the music bowl around 5ish and took up spots on the hill, very glad for this as we did get a breeze. Couldn't see the stage but there were large screens, to watch. It was wonderful! Saw the international space station go over, watched the clouds cover the top of the Eureka Tower and sang along with the singers.

Home around 12.30am, didn't see Santa!

Church was lovely and the message very good. Home and it was present opening time. Lots of fun and laughter was had. Lunch and a nap followed.

                                                Even the puppy was tired.

Boxing Day and we turned the cricket on and everyone had a lazy day.

Tuesday and we went to Mt Dandenong for morning tea. The day was cloudy, with some rain and this hindered the view of the city but it was still a great spot to enjoy a cuppa. We girls tackled the maze and didn't get stuck in it. We then walked through the English Garden and the Secret Garden. This last one was just a walled of  section, that could be used for weddings, nothing really secret about it. A stop at Warran Glen garden centre and cafĂ© for lunch was a lovely way to end our day out.

Where we were, exactly!

The city is out there, somewhere.

In the maze.

We left on Wednesday and drove home, with out an overnight stop. The traffic was steady and the service centres busy, so we just took it easy and arrived on at 6.30pm.

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

Bye for now,


  1. Fab memories, Lilian. We have enjoyed a similarly beaut time with our family.

    1. I love creating memories. Yesterday, with James, it was play dough and I had it under my nails.


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