8th September 2022 - The Death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll

5:11am Friday 9th September 2022 and my mobile phone pings with an incoming message; "I know it's early but not sure if you know yet the Queen has died." Well if I wasn't awake before I read the message, I was after. It was the beginning of a day, that wasn't 'normal' but life still went on. Now on Sunday 11th September, I am able to write how I feel about this momentous occasion. Friday, social media, television and radio all had the same thing, like in a continuous loop, for the television stations, everyone who had an opinion expressed it and the reality sank in. The Queen was dead. I had bought a pair of sock, with crowns and corgis for the Jubilee, so I wore them, my way of honouring Her. I reflected on the time I had, had a glimpse of Her. 1963, as a school child, in Hyde Park, Sydney, and again in 1970, when she was here for the bicentennial of Captain Cook's discovery of this country. Fast forward to 2019 and this was my selfie with Her Majes...