
Showing posts from May, 2022

"Merry" Month of May Meme: the New Normal.

  Pauleen Cass  as set us a challenge for May, with a "Merry" Month of May Meme: the New Normal. This was a photo I took on one of our walks. Someone had placed a chair in a garden in a park, nothing else around. I called it isolation. Has your day-to-day life returned to how it/you functioned previously? No, it hasnā€™t. We still avoid large crowds, still wear masks and I still do our grocery shop online. If your ā€œnew normalā€ is different from your ā€œold normalā€, can you share some of the ways itā€™s changed? Our ā€œnew normalā€ has meant that we arenā€™t eating out as much, choosing where we socialise, a picnic in the park instead of someoneā€™s house. Not travelling as much and if we do, staying in cabins or self-contained places, not hotels or motels. Do you think these will be long-term changes for you? Some might be but others no. I like having friends over for meals, so we will do that, going and doing a big grocery shop, not going to happen as I rather like someone else...