Covid - 19 challenge, April - June

 Well my blogging hasn't happened since I did the April A-Z Challenge, seems my mojo went. 

April was a busy month, with two trips away.

We took Miss 5 to Canberra as her treat for starting school. This was something we started with the eldest grandchild back in 2006. Four days away with Grandma and Grandad, exploring Canberra, with trips to the Zoo, Cockington Green, Questacon and anything else we find. Covid restrictions meant that things had to be booked before you got there but we still had fun.

Our second trip was to Victoria to see our family. It was wonderful to hug them and we had two fantastic weeks there. Stopped at Yass, to do some research on the way home.

May saw us escape to Bowral for four days, with our first use of Air B&B. The place we stayed  was lovely and very close to the main shopping area of Bowral. We also took a trip to Fitzroy Falls, which were thundering over the escarpment and it was blowing a gale.

June and we haven't ventured far, due to the weather and the fact that we are also locked down. We did get our second Covid jab and celebrated with lunch down by the river. Then lock down started.

My statics from April to June are;

Photos - 750.

Blogs -  27.

Books - 23.

Knitting - 1 beanie and I'm knitting a blanket, with two strips done and nearly finished the third.

Cooking - 1 cold tea cake and 1 fruit cake.

We have also had lunches with friends, ordered a new car and I've been into the city for lunches with friends.

Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Bowral Cricket Ground.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. How wonderful to get away at long last! We have not even had a mini break since May 2019, with holidays in 2020 ended up cancelled - but we are lucky to live near daughter and family who are in our Covid "bubble". I too felt "Blogged Out" after finishing the A-Z Challenge and am only just returning to such activity. I liked your summary of what you achieved April-June - something satisfactory to look back on.


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