A - Z Blogging Challenge Reflections

 This is my third  A - Z Blogging Challenge and the one I felt the most relaxed doing. I had all my posts done before April 1 and I let it look after itself, because I knew that I would most likely be away for most of April.

My theme was Names Hanging on my Tree and I found it fun/frustrating to find their meanings or 'famous' people with that name.

I enjoyed reading the comments and appreciated them but because I was away, I couldn't make comments on others. Those, who I know and posted on Facebook, I was able to read and comment on, others I read only.

I had problems with getting onto the Master List. Did it once and then when I went to check, found I wasn't on it, tried to do it again and kept getting notices that it was a 'bad' site. I did a Facebook post to the A -Z Blogging page and no one replied, so I still don't know if I made the Master List.

I loved the badges and give a big 'thank you' to the person who designs them and does the html. Much appreciated.

Would I do it again????? That is the $64,000 question! At this stage, I really don't know, if I do it might be in a couple of years time. Thinking about it.


  1. You are not the only one I'm reading about this strange issue with the Master List. Hopefully you did the challenge, and completed it! Well done!


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