
Showing posts from January, 2021

The Very Sad Death of Hubert Harris

 Going through a box of old documents, I found the front page of the Daily Telegraph, Tuesday 11 January 1955. It's yellowed and tatted but is a piece of my history. This story caught my eye and I thought I'd see how Hubert Harris faired. (As the article is from the USA, I converted US Pint, to Litres. 1 US liquid pint = 0.473176litres) Reading the article, Hubert had a 'pint of blood and hour.' The doctor said, 'We are not going to give up.' Searching Ancestry I found this article in a Texas newspaper, dated 10 January 1955. Hubert had died, in spite of the doctors efforts to keep him alive.  I also found his Texas death certificate. Rest in Peace Hubert Harris. (P.S. 160 pints =69.0816 litres) 

Sorting out Henrys and Ann(e)s.

  Just before Christmas I came across an Ancestry tree and on it was my grandmother, her brother and her mum, the dad had a middle name and there were several other children. As I knew my Henry had been married before he married Ann, I though I had 'found" the other children. Below is the letter I sent to her, with my reasons as to why my grandmother, Louisa and her mother and brother shouldn't be on her tree. (I should say that I had been messaging her and we had exchanged email addresses.) Was thrilled when I saw your tree because on Henry's Death Certificate, (1866/4257), it has Henry having six boys, two girls, all living, at the time if his death 31 July 1866. I was puzzled as you have, apart from Louisa and Frederick, seven others, I didnā€™t have, so Iā€™ve been researching. Bear with me. My first problem was;   There were two Henry Nicolls, marring ladies called Ann, in Goulburn, between 1860 and 1863.   First Henry and Ann hereby known as Henry1 and Ann1. ...

Family History DownUnder 2021 UPDATED

It was announced on 13 January that FHDU2021 will be a virtual conference, please check the website for details. Yippie, now I can go. Well what a messed up 12 months we have had, Covid-19 has thwarted plans for genealogy get togethers, worldwide  with BUT Allan Phillips and his intrepid crew have got FHDU organised. March 22-26 at Maroochy RSL. Maroochydore on the beautiful Sunshine Coast. The program is packed with excellent speakers, like Carol Baxter, John Boeren, Janet Frew, Shauna Hicks and Mel Hulbert to name five of the 28 listed on the speakers page. Now if you are one of the very lucky ones, allowed to travel, I hope you have a look at the bookings and try to go. Me, well I'm waiting for FHDU 2022, when... maybe... I can travel outside my home state. This link, below takes you to the home page and you can browse from there.  

Glanville Graves, at Berrara

Back in 1976, I had my first holiday at Berrara, a sleepy holiday spot some 8kms from Sussex Inlet. Boarded by the Conjola National Park, it was a perfect place to take our young family. I might add that my in-laws owned the cottage, so we were carrying on the family tradition.  Walking around the area I discovered a small and at that stage unfenced  cemetery, just of the path and close to the bush. I wondered who they were and how come the cemetery was there but didn't think anything more about them, other than to visit on my walk. Fast forward to 2020, the year of  Covid-19 and travel was very restricted but come September we were able to get some time away and this prompted a visit to Berrara and a visit to the graves, armed with a camera. I was going to see who they were. This is the cemetery, now. It is very close to the bush and it and the homes were saved from the bushfires of 2019/20. These two Harrison graves had be searching for their marriage, and in 1942 (2467...

Covid -19 Challenge

Pincushion   WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING BETWEEN 1 SEPTEMBER 2020 AND 31 DECEMBER 2020? So long as it's a POSITIVE, tell us what you have done for the last four months. Number of books read : 49, with a total of 134 for the year. I set myself a target of 90. Craft done ,  Well I have three quilts ready to go to be quilted in January. I made eight Christmas napkin rings, one Christmas decoration, one scarf and a pincushion. Cooked, scones, boiled fruit cake, caramel  biscuits, Christmas cake, peppermint slice x2, lemon butter. Blogged, Including this one, I only did two blog posts, and I missed my Blogaversary. Holidays,   Went to Calla Bay, in September, with family for a week, in the school holidays and in November Paul and I spent threes day is Canberra, doing bush walks and exploring. Photos taken, 1,296. I did have some time away, with great photo opportunities. Also got a Highly Commended in a photo competition. I planted,  two tomato plants and am now pi...