
Showing posts from December, 2020

Accentuate the Positive 2020

 Jill Ball started this years ago and as 2020 has been a challenging year, I though I'd have a look back on what has happened. While Covid-19 curtailed face-to-face meetings, technology has enabled us to stay in touch, attend meetings or just catch up, so enjoy my Accentuate the Positive for 2020. 1)  An elusive ancestor I found was,  none this year. I mostly added new information, to the ones I have, as Iā€™ve spent a large amount of time researching.      2)     A great newspaper article I found was, Iā€™ve explored more of the wonders of Trove, whilst looking for information for clients and my own blogs. You find the most interesting things just by turning the pages.       3)  A geneajourney I took  was to Salt Lake City and RootsTech. There I did research in the Family History Library, attended informative lectures, caught up with friends, made new ones and won four  DNA kits from the major companies. ...