
Showing posts from 2020

Accentuate the Positive 2020

 Jill Ball started this years ago and as 2020 has been a challenging year, I though I'd have a look back on what has happened. While Covid-19 curtailed face-to-face meetings, technology has enabled us to stay in touch, attend meetings or just catch up, so enjoy my Accentuate the Positive for 2020. 1)  An elusive ancestor I found was,  none this year. I mostly added new information, to the ones I have, as Iā€™ve spent a large amount of time researching.      2)     A great newspaper article I found was, Iā€™ve explored more of the wonders of Trove, whilst looking for information for clients and my own blogs. You find the most interesting things just by turning the pages.       3)  A geneajourney I took  was to Salt Lake City and RootsTech. There I did research in the Family History Library, attended informative lectures, caught up with friends, made new ones and won four  DNA kits from the major companies. ...

COVID _ 19 Challenge

 This is my second post of what I have been doing, in the second three months of Covid-19 restrictions. Life is certainly interesting, in several states of Australia. Victoria is in a hard Stage-4 lock-down, with an 8.00pm curfew and their borders are closed.  Queensland have closed their border, again. Tasmania still have their border closed. A bright spot in the past three months was having the small grandchildren come and stay, during the last school holidays. We had Miss 4 stay first and spent time playing in the park and making cup-cakes. We then had Master 6 stay and he and I spent time, together, sitting and reading.  So in the past three months, what have you done?   WHAT HAVE YOU ACHIEVED BETWEEN 1 JUNE 2020 AND 31 AUGUST 2020? It can be anything that is POSITIVE. Here is my list. Books read - 41. Craft - Started and finished a cardigan  Finished a pair of socks I started last year.             Started and finished a pair o...


                                          Hypothesis. That Henry Vaughan, Red Rover, born 1810 in Middlesex, occupation hatter [1] is the same person as my ancestor, Henry Vaughan, born 1810 in Middlesex, occupation hatter [2] . Method. This will be proved or disproved by looking at the three convicts named Henry Vaughan, who arrived in either Sydney Cove or Van Diemenā€™s Land between 1828 and 1836. This will be done by comparing key dates, events, and places of the four and seeing where they conflict, match or are not known. Name and ship. My assigned number Known as for assignment Henry Vaughan. Florentina      1 Henry (F1) Henry Vaughan Red Rover      2 Henry (RR2) Henry Vaughan Lord Lyndoch 3 Henry (LL3) Henry V...