
Showing posts from October, 2019

A convoluted connection, to someone famous!

Years ago my husbandā€™s, Paulā€™s aunt said that we were related to a famous artist, Adelaide Ironside. Well in a way he is and this is how I worked it out. Adelaide Eliza Ironside born 17 November 1831 [1] , to James Ironside and Martha Rebecca Redman.   It was looking into Martha that I got all excited, as her father, John Redman, could have been either a guard on the First Fleet or a convict on the Second Fleet. Well Martha isnā€™t on Paulā€™s line.   So scrap that bit of excitement. Sometime before Adelaide turned three, Martha and James separated and as divorce required a great deal of effort, they didnā€™t divorce. James didnā€™t waste any time in finding another lady, one Ellen Oak/Oaks. It is through this line that Paul is a descendent. James and Ellen had five children, according to Jamesā€™ death certificate, four males and one female. [2]   I can only find one birth, that of Frederick James Ironsides, born 23 October 1836 [3] .   Frederick would m...

Books I use, October 2019

This months book is one I use, when stumped by an occupation I have found on a certificate, a census or in a will. Not all old trades, titles and occupations are the same now as then, nor did some, like  Alaska yarn spinner, mean that they came from Alaska.  (It actually means, Spinner of mixed cotton and wool cloth.) I got my copy from    Gould    Genealogy, in South Australia.