
Showing posts from July, 2019

Connected DNA and Shelly Crawford.

Shelly Crawford is a speaker at next months DNA Down Under and I'm so looking forward to hearing her speak. Shelly runs ConnectedDNA and having used this, to connect my DNA links, I'm now going to use it to help find how my top Ancestry DNA connection and I are connected. So watch this space, as I'm going to blog about how I'm going. Below is an interview I did, with Shelly, earlier this year and she explains ConnectedDNA better than I can. Hi Shelley, thank you for agreeing to chat with me. Tell me a bit about Shelley Crawford and your interest in DNA. Hi Lilian, Iā€™m Australian living in the nationā€™s capital city. Iā€™m married with two children (10 and 13) and have been researching my family tree for nearly 30 years ā€“ ever since I could drive myself to the library! When I bought my first DNA test in 2010 I was curious to see what DNA could do for my research. Since then Iā€™ve tested with or uploaded my files to each of the major companies. DNA evidence has sup...

Books I Use, July 2019

Lisa Louise Cooke's book, The Genealogist's Google Toolbox, is wonderful. A useful book that you can turn to, when you are stuck, even if you don't do genealogy. How to use Google Alerts,  Google Books and Google Scholar, are just some of the tools, Lisa covers. Written so that you can follow the instructions and not be confused, this book would be a very useful addition to your bookshelf.