Books I Use, April 2019, The Phillimore Atlas and Index of Parish Registers.

This was an indulgence, of mine, when I saw this secondhand copy, of the second edition, published in 1995. It is, as it says an atlas of Parish Registers, for England, Wales and Scotland. Wonderful for finding, exactly where my ancestor's  parish is situated and what the neighbouring ones are, has lead looking just a bit further, on the chance that I might find them.

Now up to the third edition and also avaliable as a PDF, but I'm not sure if it is the full book. 
It can also be searched on Ancestry and Trove has listings of which libraries, in Australia, have copies to use.

To quote, " For each region, listed below, the Atlas contains (unless otherwise stated) a map of the pre-1832 parishes, and a topographical map from James Bell's A New and Comprenhensive Gazetteer of England and Wales of 1834."

The Index, at the back lists all parishes and information about, deposited original registers, local marriage indexes, etc and the years that they cover.

Why not check it out!



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