Two Interesting Websites

My second last subject for my diploma is how to organise a one-name study. These two websites have been given to us to help in our assignments and they are fun to 'play' with.

I had heard of freebdm but never used it. You enter the surname, the type of entry you are looking for, birth, marriage or death OR you can do all entries and get the lot. You also pick the time frame you want and then click search. You can do just how many or full which gives you the details. I have learnt so much from just entering a surname and looking for all records.

The FreeBMD Database was last updated on Fri 4 Aug 2017 and currently contains 262,812,210 distinct records (336,300,128 total records).

World Names, is like the freedbm, except that you get a world wide distribution of the surname you are looking for, not just England. I was able to see the distribution of the two surnames, I'm starting on my one-name study. Both results were interesting, in that where I thought the name should be wasn't what came up, so I have a lot of research to do.

Have a play and see what you can learn about your surname.

Bye for now,


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