Our Northern Territory Trip. Part 1.

Friday 7 July saw Paul and I board our flight to Uluru, at the start of our trip from Uluru to Darwin. This was our first fully organised tour, any where as we usually do our own thing. The actual trip started on the Saturday but we thought getting in a day early would be wise.

                                                            Up, Up and away.

A very smooth flight with amazing views of vast salt lakes, as our route took us over Parks and Leigh Creek, in South Australia before heading north.
A salt lake, from the air. Wish they would wash the window.

Arriving in Uluru, we really scored as our seats were on the right hand side and we had stunning views of Uluru, as we came into land. The plane turned and we also saw the Olgas.
Stunning and bigger than I thought.

While it is the Dry season, temperatures were cool to cold, much like Sydney, when we left, and jumpers were required. Bight blue sky, red dust and the ROCK, I kept snapping photos!

Once we were settled in our room we went for a walk, to the town centre and picked up some milk and bickies and went and had a cuppa. The local coffee shop had, had their coffee machine break and were unable to make hot drinks, so hence the milk and a cuppa.

Refreshed we took the shuttle bus for a circuit of the area and got caught in a 'traffic jam', near the camping area. It was school holidays and they were very busy. We went back to the town centre and jumped off and walked to Imalugo Lookout for beautiful views of Uluru and the area. My Pentax camera played up and I used the little Panasonic I took to Europe. Disappointed as there were times that I would have like to get some close-ups. Will look at getting it fixed.

Dinner and an early night, for tomorrow we take a helicopter flight over both Uluru and the Olgas.

Love helicopters! Especially when I get the front seat! With piercing blue skies and brilliant sunshine we lifted off for an hours flight to see both Uluru and the Olgas, also know as Kata Tujuta, these two, along with Mt Connor, look amazing from the air.  Kata Tujuta, means heads many.
Our helicopter awaits.


Mount Connor. It looks like a table, flat on top.

The Olgas/Kata Tujuta. Comprising of 36 domes, hence the translation to heads many.

After coffee and hot chocolate, at the café, (machine was fixed), we listened to two interesting talks. The first on Bush Tucker and we got to see, smell and feel various native plants. We also got to eat wattle seed shortbread, yum. The next talk was all about how the Aborigines hunted their food, with various tools and weapons passed around.  A delightful was to spend an afternoon.
This is a boomerang, used for bringing down a kangaroo.

4.30pm saw us waiting in the foyer of our hotel, to officially start our trip. Peter is our guide/tour director and Phil is our driver. There are 49 on the coach, which is called Priscilla. Think about it. Most of the group got on in Port Lincoln.
One way to see Uluru.

We were taken to a viewing area, to watch sunset, complete with bubbles and nibbles. Is there any other way to watch a sunset? We were able to watch the full moon rise from behind Uluru, beautiful.
Moon rise.

                                               The changing colours of Uluru at sunset.

Back at the hotel we joined several others for drinks and then ordered room service for dinner. Early start, tomorrow, for sunrise.

Bye for now,


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