Red Lipstick

I am reading a blog, INWORDSANDINK, by Haley. Haley is a young woman, who feels she is lacking in confidence. She has started a challenge, for herself, by wearing red lipstick, everyday and it is not a colour she usually wears.

Her last three posts have been about the challenge and how it is going, so far. I think she is amazing.

It got me to thinking. I wear a lot of red, shirts, shoes, nail polish, I feel that it gives me confidence but not lipstick. Today I bought a red lipstick and put it on. It feels strange and I have startled myself but I am going to keep on wearing it.

I don't know if I lack confidence or, as my husband says, I am just normally outgoing, saying Hi or smiling at people. It will be interesting to see how I go.

Will keep you posted.

Bye for now,


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