
Showing posts from April, 2014

What have you been doing?

After a wonderful Good Friday with family and Skype with our Victorian family, we were very happy. Yesterday saw us go to Masters Hardware for bits and pieces. I got some cauliflower and broccoli seedlings and will plant them today.  Then into Officeworks for a USB stick. From there we went to our local cafĆ© for morning tea and then home. I sent time on Find My Past just general searches for family names. Did find information that I had but in more detail. Went and gave a niece her birthday present. What have you been doing?

Easter Blessings

Wishing you a Blessed Easter

Bankstown Family History Group Web Site Above is our web site address and while it is a work in progress, it looks great. Teresa has done a good job on getting it up and it should be fully 'tweaked' in no time. Wednesday night saw us at the UWS Bankstown for a book launch, about the University. It was interesting and several people took forms. Catherine, the organiser, will take some posters and put them un around the Uni. Now to Print them off. Yesterday, Friday, I went to the new Bankstown Library & Knowledge Centre, for a browse. I ran into Abby, who we deal with and she pointed out the room we will use and let me see inside. It will be great to have a 'home' for our meetings.

Bankstown Family History Group

Well last night was our meeting night and everyone had their laptops or tablets and we looked at some interesting web sites. I picked Family Search, Ryerson Index, Old Bailey Records, Australian War Memorial, TROVE and New Zealand BDM. State Records, NSW and New Zealand Past Papers  were looked at as well. Some found what they were looking for, others were happy to browse the sites and ask for help. That way when they are at home they how to structure the search. It was a great meeting. It was the last of our 'homeless' meetings as next month and forever, we are at the new Bankstown Library and Knowledge Centre. We will be using a room in the theatre area, with access to the library. Our insurance is sorted and just needs to be paid for. Our web site is slowly taking shape. Watch this space! Now to work on our grant application. This group is growing slowly.