This 'n' That

It's been a busy week with lost of small things happening, car was due for it's annual service, lunch with friends, spending time with the Grandies, catching up with friends and knitting group and now it is Saturday!

Last night I signed the amended quote and should have a proof copy of the book, this coming week. As several more people are interested I increased the run to 30 books, from the original 20. I'm getting a bit excited to see an actual copy.

The research for the Galbraith book is rolling along. Still no reply from the Victorian BDM's, so I wrote a letter to them and posted it off. Waiting, waiting, waiting.  I think I have taken the Cameron side back two more generations, from Ann Cameron, my ancestor. Now I need to find her arrival, as a child into what was Port Phillip, in the late 1840's. [ Ann Cameron married Simon Grant, their daughter, Maryann  married Arthur Galbraith.]

Minded James and Hannah on Wednesday and took them to the local park, for lunch. The waterway had pelicans on it, such graceful birds.  Mummy and Daddy knew we would be there and they surprised the children. Lunch was secondary for Hannah as she made a bee line for the swings, with Daddy in pursuit. James ate most of his lunch before he too took off.

This week I finished another subject in my course, just two subjects to go and by Christmas I'll be finished. Still waiting on some results from the University of Tasmania course and I'm still thinking about doing the remaining ones to finish it. Probably will.

Yesterday I went to knitting group and spent more time un-picking than knitting! One small mistake and the pattern was wrong. Last night I took it back further and am now back on track. It is a beautiful red scarf, with the feather and fan pattern. I'm using alpaca  wool, with a bit of merino in it. So soft.

Through this blog, I've made another cousin connection on the Vaughan side. A descendant of Henry Edward, Henry and Charlotte's eldest son, contacted me and has passed my details onto another connection.

It's a grey day here, after a night of rain, so I'm going to do some alterations, read, knit, research and relax.

Have a good weekend.
Bye for now,


  1. Loved reading your day to day adventures. Your blog and daily routine stuff can brighten up any one's day. Looking forward to more of your family happenings. Stay blessed


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