Accentuate the Positive

 Jill Ball reminds us to do this each year, so here is my 2022 

1. I got the most joy from, the Coffee 'n' Chat group I started in 2020, during Covid, via Zoom. It is still going strong and I love the chats we have.

2. The Covid situation gave me an opportunity to, tidy up files, work on my tree and play with DNA.

3. I managed to attend a face to face event at, FHDU at Castle Hill, this first genealogy event I've been to since Rootstech in 2020

4. My main focus this year was on a One-Place Study that I've started on a cemetery at Mummell, NSW.

5. A new piece of technology or skill I mastered was, my new phone. It took some time to get the photos off the phone and onto the computer.

6. A geneasurprise I received was, when a cousin showed up in my DNA results, I hadn't know she had tested. Yes, it does prove that we are cousins!

7.  A Facebook Group that helped me was. History Goulburn, with information for my study.

8. My 2022 social media post that I was particularly proud of was

9.  A new genealogy/history book I enjoyed was, Elizabeth Macarthur's Letters, edited by Kate Grenville. It gives a small insight into life in the Colony, in its very early days.

10. I was impressed by the help I got from the Local History Librarian, at Goulburn Library. She found answers to questions, that two other places should have known. See ask a Librarian, they know everything!

11.  A great journal or newspaper article I found was, not one but several relating to people buried in the cemetery, of my One-Place Study. They make interesting reading.

12. I got the most value from this subscription, not a subscription site but Trove, always delivers.

13. I progressed my DNA research with, slowly this year, the only exciting match was my cousin.

14. I taught a genimate how to

15.  A blog post that taught me something new was

16. A DNA discovery I made was,  see #6 & #13.

17. A newly found family member shared

18. I finally found ......... six feet under, nope still looking .

I splashed out and purchased, transcripts of death certificates to help with my One-Place Study

20. Another positive I would like to share is that I finished my DNA subjects with the National Institute for Genealogical Studies. A very interesting course.


  1. Thanks for joining in Lilian. You certainly made the most of 2022.

  2. Congratulations on a successful year of family history discoveries


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